Jack Abernathy

Jack Abernathy

Home » Downsizing Tips Murfreesboro

Downsizing Tips Murfreesboro

Here are some downsizing tips in Murfreesboro that can be applied to anyone in any market. According to TheSpruce.com, getting started early is the number one recommendation. Like working with a financial planner, you can’t begin planning soon enough. For many, this is the only way to retire. Don’t leave it to chance or wait until you face a job loss, foreclosure, or bankruptcy.

The next item on the list is to take inventory of your belongings. This is big. If you consider what you’ll need at the new place and what it can fit, you can address the surplus now to avoid purchasing storage. Give away personal keepsakes to loved ones, throw a garage sale, and donate the rest. The next item is to “sort and declutter.” As you lighten your load, this step prepares your home for walkthroughs.

With help from a local seller’s agent in Murfreesboro, you’ll prepare for your new life, the move, and the home sale in one shot. The better prepared you are for each, the more money you’ll have to use to purchase that smaller home. This goes a long way to help you recoup your losses, stabilize, and prepare for the next phase of your life. A local agent who knows this market is the key to your success.

  • Learn more downsizing tips in Murfreesboro from an experienced agent and make a plan.